I Am Well Aware That The Cultivation Of These Three
qualities produces in the professional diplomatist a habit of colourless scepticism which is highly irritating to all who meet it. He dreads zeal so acutely that he comes to......
Marginal Comment
By HAROLD NICOLSON T is a curious fact that although women have now enjoyed political power for over twenty years they have not yet ecided to what political function they are......
These Practical Difficulties Might Well Be Overcome Were...
that the specifically feminine qualities of zeal, sympathy and intuition were useful qualities for a diplomatist to possess. I assert that these' three qualities, unless kept......
I Have Been Impelled To This Protest By Reading In
the news- apers a statement attributed to Miss Thelma Cazalet in regard the entry of women into the British Foreign Service. Some five onths ago a deputation of women called......