23 JANUARY 1942, page 16

The Arsenal Of Democracy

Here is America. By Phyllis Bentley. (Gollancz is.) 17s. 6d.) America in World Affairs. By Allan Nevins. (Oxford. 25. 6d.) INTEREST in the United States is naturally even......

Fifth Column Fancy

N or M? By Agatha Christie. (Crime Club. 7s. 6d.) Stop on the Green Light! By Maurice Barrington. (Hamish Hamilton. 7s. 6d.) IT is a striking feature of the war that the......

A Literary Crisis

Literary Scholarship : Its Aims and Methods. By Norman Foerster, John C. McGalliard, Rend Wellek, Austin Warren and Wilbur L. Schramm. (University of North Carolina Press.......