23 JANUARY 1942, page 18

The Arsenal Of Democracy

Here is America. By Phyllis Bentley. (Gollancz is.) 17s. 6d.) America in World Affairs. By Allan Nevins. (Oxford. 25. 6d.) INTEREST in the United States is naturally even......


Seven Tempest. By Vaughan Wilkins. (Cape. 9s. 6d.) THE mixture as too often before. Four pieces of fiction, all up to entertainment standard, one supposes—if that depends on......

What Does It Mean To Be A Christian? We Cannot

answer this question without discovering what it meant to be a Christian in the early centuries. In twelve short studies, Dr. Glover suggests the different ways in which the......

Shorter Notices

IN these days when the pattern is so much more highly regarded than the patterned this book is sure of a wide reading and for the nonce it is thoroughly justified. It never......