23 JULY 1904, Page 1

The Russian Armenians, like the Finlanders, have resorted to assassination.

The Vice-Governor of Elizabetpol had made himself notorious by the severity of his dealings with the Armenian Church, and on Sunday last, in broad day- light and in a crowded street, he was riddled with bullets from a revolver. No one consented to see the assassin or made an effort for his arrest, and though a man who is suspected has been seized, the real criminal is believed to have escaped. Great as the provocation has been, the crime is inexcusable, and is sure to be followed by measures of greater severity. A murder of this kind always has the fatal consequence that it justifies the oppressors to themselves. They were oppress- ing peaceful priests ; they are now punishing men who approve, if they do not instigate, the assassination of servants of the State.