23 JULY 1904, page 15

" Besides This Sort Of Education There Needs Another And

more rigorous kind, which must be impressed upon them from without. The terrible difficulty of early life—the use of pastors and masters—really is, that they compel boys to a......

Sin,—you Published In The Spectator Of June 25th, Under The

heading of " Our Inadequate Defences," a letter from a correspondent which expressed the view that we might before long expect an attack by Germany, in view of the rapid......

Sin,—surely Professor Metchnikoff's Predictions Are...

criticism by acetic acid and scepticism. It is now quite a considerable time since science has settled that the nature of life is, for every vital function, a ferment. That is......

Think Most Of Us Must Agree—however Reluctantly— With...

(see Spectator, July 16th) that, regarded at any rate as a statement of fact, Sir Oliver Lodge is right in saying that a sense of sin oppresses the ordinary man far less than it......

Sin,—in Admiral Sir N. Bowden-smith's View (spectator,...

parts of the Empire cannot be expected to make sacrifices to maintain British naval supremacy, which, whether they are regarded as separate entities or as component parts of a......