23 JULY 1904, page 3

Some Doubt Appears Still To Exist As To The Fate

of Mr. F. Kent Loomis, Envoy from America to Abyssinia, who dis- appeared as the steamer arrived at Plymouth on June 20th. His body has been recovered at Kingsbridge, Devon ;......

The Body Of Gentlemen Appointed By Mr. Chamberlain To...

into the condition of our trade and industries, and to suggest a tariff to remedy our alleged commercial evils—a body, it may be remembered, which, though with no official......

Mr. Rider Haggard Publishes In Tha Row Of Thursday A

very remarkable story. He says that on the night of July 10th he suffered from a painful nightmare, and while still half conscious, dreamed that a favourite retriever was dying,......

The Speech Made By Mr. Chamberlain At Stafford House On

Thursday to a gathering of Tariff Reformers was only note- worthy for the references to Mr. Balfour. These references are a complete endorsement of what we have repeatedly said......

The Remedy Proposed For The Relative Decline And For "

dumping " is, of course, a tariff, or, rather, three tariffs :— (1) A general tariff, which is to be a low scale of duties on im- ports from foreign countries which admit......

On Tuesday The King Laid The Foundation-stone Of The New

Cathedral at Liverpool. After twenty years of waitiug, the second city in England is about to have a religious edifice worthy of its size and importance. The building is to......

On Thursday Was Published A Letter Addressed To Lord Lich-

field by the Duke of Devonshire, in which he points out that Mr. Chamberlain has become President of the new Liberal Unionist Council, that the Vice-Presidents and Executive......

Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.

Consols (21 per cent.) were on Friday 881.......