23 JULY 1904, page 21

The Most Notable Article In The Edinburgh Review Is That

entitled " The Return to Protection," in which the present position of the Fiscal controversy is admirably described. The writer shows that Mr. Chamberlain's methods are not......

• The Crossing. By Winston Churchill. London: Macmillan...

1 - 6s.1 was the fourth, and the present volume is, in point of time, the second. Its theme is the pressing westward of the settlers during and after the Revolutionary wars, the......

A Weaver Of Webs. By John Oxenham. (methuen And Co.

6s.)—This novel is frankly melodrama, and as such is not unreadable. The hero is a young Second Secretary at the British Embassy in Vienna, and he is, as heroes should be, a......

War And Neutrality In The Far East. By T. J.

Lawrence, LL.D. (Macmillan and Co. 3s. 6d. net.)—Professor Lawrence briefly relates the causes of the Russo-Japanese War, causes which may be shortly summarised by saying that......

A November Cry. By Frances Burmester. (smith, Elder, And Co.

6s.)—The author of this book very truly remarks that it is really two stories in one, and it must be owned that one of these stories is vastly more agreeable than the other.......