" Let the electors be on their guard : whoever
offers them money or money's worth for their votes, means first to seduce and then to betray them. Let them he on their guard : the elective franchise is a trust ; and as it has been given, so it may be resumed, by the supreme authority of the State. Let the candidates also and their friends be On their guard : a Reformed House of Commons will visit se- verely on delinquents the unlawful means they have employed to obtain admis- sion within its walls. Members of Parliament ought to be chosen freely and indifferently ; and whoever violates or attempts to violate that principle, whe- ther openly or covertly, is liable to punishment by the House of Commons. We have heard of such practices begun in divers parts of the country, and give this notice both to candidates and electors, that where the filets are properly authen- ticated, we shall expose them to the just indignation of the public, be the perpe- trators whom they may. It was not to perpetuate a system of guttling and gor- niandizing that the people of England were prepared to risk their all for Reform; nor are they to be deprived of the fruits of their victory by the fraudulent arti- fices of political adventurers, or by the weakness or selfishness of electors."- Globe.