A Strange Fisti.—a Friend And Myself Were Bathing One...
as we had done before, and determined to swim out and rest on a certain rock. He generally took the lead ; and while following, I was suddenly struck as by an electric shock. I......
A Performance Of Sacred Music Was Given In St. Saviour's
Church, in the Borough, on Thursday, in aid of the funds for the restora- tion of the Ladye Chapel. A very good vocal and instrumental band was collected, though too weak in the......
Musical Chat.
THE Duke of CUMBERLAND'S prize for the best Catch was awarded on Tuesday. The competitors were Messrs. T. COOKE, HORN- CASTLE, HORSLEY, ELLtor, and WALM ISLEY ; and the composi-......
Paganini Arrived On Thursday. We Suspect That His Harvest...
not be so plenteous as it was last year ; though he will probably try to find a fresh class of customers, by a reduction of his prices.......
Close Of The Philharmonic Concerts.
THE last concert of the season was postponed till Monday, at the - urgent request of Mr. MASON, W110 had so regulated his affairs, that, without the permission of the Directors......
Mr. John Cramer's Concert, Yesterday Morning, Attracted...
The selection of music was such as might be expected from a musician whose purity of taste is one of his mest distinguishing qualities ; but the principal feature of the concert......
The Italian Opera Is, Usually, The Theatre In Which Prime
donne display their airs in more senses than one. Madame CI NTI has been contributing her share to the perplexity of the manager, by withdrawing her services from the......