23 JUNE 1832, page 12


Prince Talleyrand left town on Wednesday, for Paris. He intendS to return in three months—if (it is well to add in the case of so aged it man) he return at all. The Country......

Election Talk.

Asiteurerox.—Mr. Poyntz comes forward again. It is said Sir Lawrence Palk, the former patron, will also stand.. Astrrox.—Mr. C. Ilindley has been requested to stand. Colonel -......


ARGYLLSHIRE.—Mr. Malcolm will, it is sa::1, be the new candidate ; Mr. W. F. Campbell will also come forward. BERWICKSHIRE.—Mr. Marjoribanks, the brother of Sir J. Mar-......

The Chalet:a. — We Regret To Observe That The Disease Is...

extending than diminishing. The last report gives — new cases, 1$0; deaths, 52; recoveries, 67; remaining, 438. The increase is chiefly in Liverpool and Hull. In Ireland also......


A cow belonging to a Scotch Earl had latterly become so great it leveller, that no fence could confine her within legitimate Iniunds. - The herdsman at length, before driving......

A Young Female, Genteelly Dressed, And Rather...

CM Tuesday, from Queen's Square Office, on the charge of robbing a Mr. :Waling of a silk handkerchief and a breast-pin, in Par- liammt Street, the previous evening. When she......


A Dublin Paper of last week stated, that many of the country people were seen running and riding all over the midland counties of Ireland, carrying with them a piece of burning......