23 JUNE 1832, page 13

Letters From Batavia Of The 7th February Mention Two...

slips in Java, one of great extent. By the last accounts from Canada, the Rideau Canal was expected to be completed in a few weeks.......

Margot, The Man Condemned By The French Court - Martial...

years' imprisonment, has, it is said, petitioned to be shot, rather. He is a fool. Fifteen years will work changes more important in France than his deliverance from a sentence......


'German Papers have been received this morning, but their contents are destitute of interest. The following has been posted at Lloyd's- " The Surrey, Veale, arrived from Van......

" Let The Electors Be On Their Guard : Whoever

offers them money or money's worth for their votes, means first to seduce and then to betray them. Let them he on their guard : the elective franchise is a trust ; and as it has......

Topics Of The Day.

THE ATTACK UPON THE KING. ATTACKS upon the person of the Chief Magistrate are rare in England. Three only have occurred in the memory of living men,-one on GEORGE the Third......

East India Shipping.

Fur D EVEN:NG. Arrived-At Gravesen,I,June 19th, the II. C. S. Marquis Huntley, Hine, front China : Lavinia. Brooks. from the Cape ; Symmetry. Stevens, from Ceylon; and 20th,......

The Money Market.

STOCK ENCUANGE, FRIDAY EVENING.. Consols closed heavy on Saturday at 844. Dutch Stock was quitted at 43-i. There was a rise on Tuesday of about per cent., consequent on some......

Tbe Late Calamitous Fire In Oxford Street. - It Is With Much

pleasure we observe that the public have taken some interest in the forlorn situation of the unfortunate and heroic Miss Twamley ; who, it will be remembered, saved her mother,......

The Morning Post Announces That Mr. A. Baling Means To

oppose Mr. Flume for Middlesex ; relying, we suppose, on the subtraction of the metropolitan votes. Ile nmy spare himself the trouble. A shil- ling to a hundred thousand pounds,......