On the 20th inst, in Montagu Street, the lady of Captain IlAirr, 94th Regiment, of a son.
On the 1511; inst, at Kemp Town, Brighton, the lady of the Rey. J. S. hi. ANDERSON. of a son.
On the 7th inst., at the Vicarage, Sutton-on-the-Forest, the lady of the Hon. and Rev. II. HOWARD, of a son.
On the 7th inst., at Field House, the lady of the Rev. I. W. PALTRY, of a son. On the 19th inst., in Upper Wimpole Street, the lady of EDMUND PEPYS, Esq., of a son.
On the 20111 inst., at the Royal Mint, the lady of IIENey Ilirsamtv, Esq., of a son. On the 17th inst., at Boulogne-sur-Mer, the lady of C. 11. lIvisemax, Esq., 11th Light Dragoons, of a sun.
On the 24 inst., at 24, Park Crescent, London, the Marchioness of HAsTmes (Ba- roness GREY DE RUTHYN), of a SOU and heir.
On the 16th inst., at Marylehoue Church, WILLIAM HENRY BLAAUW. Esq., of Lower lircok Street, to MARGARET ENIILY, second daughter and co-heiress of the late Sir John Gillman, Bart., of Curralteen, conniy of Cork.
On the 14th inst., at Gaddeshy, Joins' EwAer, Esq., of Mossley Hill, to ELIZA, only daughter of Colonel Cheney.
On the 14th inst., at K tante% Leicestershire, ROBERT GREEN, Esq., eldest son of Valentine Green, of Normantomle-Ileath, Esq., to Ilssrmi, third daughter of the late Rev. Edward Thomas Vaughan, Vicar of St. Martin's, Leicester. On the 14th inst., at Exeter, the Rev. JOHN IIANMER UNDERWOOD, second son of the Rev. T. Underwood, Rector of Ross, and Canon Resideutiary of the Cathedral of Here- ford, to HARRIETTE. youngest daughter of the late Major Dowell, Southernhay House, Exeter, and formerly of the Hon. East India Company's Service. On the 26th ult., at the residence of the British Embassy at Naples, DANIEL M'CARTHY, Esq., IO HARRIET ALEXANDRINA BASSET, youngest daughter of tire late Admiral Sir Home Popham, K.C.B., K.M., Sce. On the 7th inst., at Newtownlemavady Church, the Bev. Rouxur GAGE, son of the late Marcus Gage, of Bellarena, county of Londonderry. Esq. to ANNE, second daughter of the Rey. John Olphert, Rector of Drumachosc, in said county. • On the 16th inst., at Broadwater Church, Worthing, Lieut-Colonel RienAra., K.H, to MARY ANNE, youngest daughter of the late George Daysh, Esq. On the Sal inst.. at Bexley, NILS SAMUEL VON KOCH, of Stockholm, IO FRANCES ELIZA, youngest daughter of Thomas Lewin, Esq., of the Mollies, Bexley, Kent. On the 19th inst., at St. Margaret's, Westminster, DANIET„ eldest son of Charles Nash, Esq., of Bigg,leswade, to S'ARAIL third daughter of William Clowes, Esq., of par- liament Street.
On the 234 of February, at Madras, Major LEGGETT, of the Madras Light Infantry, to CAROLINE, youngest daughter of Sir Robert Baker, of Montague I'lace, Russell Square. On the 12th inst., the Rev. LIONEL FRASER, Or Horsham, Sussex, to MATILDA, second and youngest daughter of Edwani Jesse, Esq., of Hampton, Middlesex. On the 13th inst, at Edinburgh. GEORGE DUNBAR, Esq., Professor of Greek in the University of Edinburgh, to ELIZABETH, daughter of William Molle, Esq., of Mamas. On the 21st inst., at St. James's Church, the Right Hon. FREDERICK JOHN, Lord Monson', to THEODOSIA, youngest daughter of Latinun Blacker, of Newent, in the county of Gloucester, Esq.
On the 17th inst., in Portman Square, the Earl of SCARBOROUGH, in his 76th year. On the 14th inst., at Falmouth, on his return from Corfu, in his 29th year. Joint WEST HENRY, Esq., M.A., of Pembroke College, Oxford. and of the Middle Temple, third son of Alexander Henry, Esq, of Winchester Place, Pentonville. On the 15th inst., suddenly, at his house No. 35, Cadogan Place, Sloane Street GEORGE Bicisamm., Esq., in his 67th year. On the 17th inst., at Old Windsor Lodge, GEORGE STEVENS, Esq. • On the 17th inst., at his house in Marlborough Buildings, Bath, Major-General Sir WILLIAM WILLIAMS, K.C.B.
On the 18th inst., in Park Street, Westminster, in his 21st year, FRANCIS, eldest son of Sir William Milman. On the 12th inst., Mrs. ARABELLA PRAED, of Queen Square, Bath, in her 78th year. On the 21st inst., at his residence in Mansfield Street, General Count WORONZOW many years Russian Ambassador at this Court ; aged 88. His Excellency was prede- cessor to the present Russian Ambassador, Prince Lieven, and acted as the repmenta. five of the Russian Government to the British Court for, we believe, nearly thirty years.