23 MAY 1908, Page 23


[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as hays not bun reserved for review in other forms.] The Flag. Edited by Major F. Trippel. (The Daily Mail, for the Union Jack Club. Is. net.)—A number of distinguished writers contribute to this publication. Among the names we find those of Rudyard Kipling, George Meredith, Clark Russell, Gilbert Parket, Arthur Conan Doyle, W. W. Jacobs, and Baden- Powell ; nor is the art side less distinguished, though the writer of this notice does not venture on particularising. All the work, that of the editor being not the least considerable, has been done without reward. Let the public respond. What they pay will go, with the smallest possible deduction, to the funds of that most patriotid and generally admirable institution,—the Union Jack Club. The work it has already done, and is doing, for our soldiers and sailors is beyond praise. But if, as we trust it will, the public buys generously a book so generously produced by all concerned, the Club will be able to add very greatly to its bedroom accommodation, and not be obliged to turn from its doors every night so large a company of soldiers and blue- jackets.