The "daily Mail" Year - Book Of The Churches, 1908....
Percy L. Parker. (Associated Newspapers. 6d. net.)—In this volume the leaders or official representatives of various religious communities are permitted to speak for themselves,......
Parerga. By Canon Sheehan, D.d. (longmans And Co. 7s. 6d.
net.)—Dr. Sheehan gives us here, arranged under the headings of the four seasons, some four hundred meditations or refleetions. Some of these stand single ; in some a theme is......
Possess. The Illustrations Alone Give It A Very...
There are reproductions of sculptures and paintings and engravings, photographs of localities, maps, numbering some twenty-seven in all. The translations have been chosen from......
Readable Novels.—drusilla's Point Of View. By Madame...
Blackett. 6s.)—An amusing modern story. Most people, however, will think that Drusilla's action, the result of her " point of view," was a little hard upon the man she was......
Present Day Conditions In China. By Marshall Broomliall....
Scott. ls.)—Mr. Broomhall has some very itrikitig facts to lay before his readers. He seeks to show that there id a great movement in China, and therewith a great opportunity......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as hays not bun reserved for review in other forms.] The Flag. Edited by Major F. Trippel. (The Daily Mail, for the Union......
Education, Personality, And Crime. By Albert Wilson, M.d....
Co. 7s. 6d. net.)—Dr. Wilson's researches into the physiological conditions of the criminal and the feeble-minded and non-normal individuals generally are interesting and......