On Thursday The Preference Debate Was Continued By Lord...
who, following Sir Robert Peel, declared that if all the rest of the world would become Protectionist this country would still be wise to remain Free-trade. He was followed by......
The Annual General Meeting Of The Victoria League Was Held
on Wednesday. Lady Jersey, who took the chair, explained how the League is in the fullest sense a non- party organisation to draw together by educational and social means the......
After Lord Wolverhampton (sir Henry Fowler) In A Maiden...
had dealt with the position of India, Lord Milner ex- pounded the Tariff Reform side of the argument with his usual fearlessness and ability. It is not too much to say, however,......
After Pointing Out That For A Long Series Of Years
before 1845 we had a complete system of Colonial Preference on a very generous scale, which resulted, however, not in good feeling between us and the Colonies, but the very......
A Most Successful Meeting Was Held At The Mansion House
on Friday week in support of the Wolfe and Montcalm memorial at Quebec. Lord Crewe delivered an interesting address, paying a well-deserved tribute to Lord Grey, and Lord......
The House Of Lords On Wednesday And Thursday Proved Once
again that in matters of high debate it can hold its own with any Assembly in the world. The debate on preferential trade, to which we allude, was opened by the Duke of Marl-......
On Tuesday In The House Of Lords Lord Avebury's "importation
of Plumage Prohibition Bill" was read a second time, and referred to a Select Committee. The Bill prohibits the introduction into the United Kingdom, for sale or exchange, of......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent., Changed From 3} Percent. March
16th. Console (2k) were on Friday 861—on Friday week 861.......