23 MAY 1908, Page 3

A most successful meeting was held at the Mansion House

on Friday week in support of the Wolfe and Montcalm memorial at Quebec. Lord Crewe delivered an interesting address, paying a well-deserved tribute to Lord Grey, and Lord Roberts, in an admirable speech, eulogised the great qualities of the two rival commanders. From a merely military point of view the campaign was of absorbing interest, as Wolfe did not hesitate to try an absolute innova- tion in military formation on the field of battle itself. The closing scenes of these two men's lives were a perpetual reminder to us of the true value of patriotism. Prince Arthur of Connaught also spoke, urging the establishment of local Committees to co-operate with the central Committee in collecting subscriptions ; and Mr. Grenfell, in announcing a number of handsome donations, stated that it was their desire, to get small amounts from all classes as well as large dona- tions from the more wealthy. Subscriptions may be sent to , Mr. A. M. Grenfell (6 Prince's Street, E.C.) or to Mr. J. Buchan (34 Paternoster Row, E.C.)