Mr. Kirkup's "inquiry Into Socialism."
LTO Tax EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—In your notice of my "Inquiry into Socialism" you say my " volume is an admirable example of the sentiment which makes for Socialism,......
Aristides And The Late Prime Minister.
LT0 THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.".1 SIE,—The following passage from Plutarch's Life of Aristides will probably not be devoid of suggestive interest to your readers at this......
The " Get-up " Of " The Unfortunate Duke."
(To nit EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR-1 SIR, — I have been asked by the representative of Messrs. Collier and Co. to address to you a letter relieving them of " the stigma " of the "......
Compulsory Arbitration In New Zealand. [to Tee Editor Of The
" SPECTATOR.' • A W. H. LEGGE. Windham Club, St. James's Square, S. W. " Our labour troubles are also very serious. We have in this country a legal system of compulsory......
The Glory Of Gorse.
LTo Tag EDITOR or THU " SPECTATOR.' J SIR,—In the Spectator of the 9th inst. in an article under the heading of " The Glory of Gorse" the writer states as follows :—" The gorse......