The Times of Friday publishes a telegram from its Berlin
corre- spondent asserting -that General Kaufmann, Governor-General of Turkestan, has given a sword of honour to the Afghan Envoy at Tashkend, to be conveyed to the Ameer ; and has made him a speech, in which he declares the Ameer an ally of the Czar, and boasts that whoever sides with Russia knows that not a hair of his head will be injured. " May God promote the welfare of the two allied countries !" The blade of the sword is inscribed with the sentence, "May God give thee victory over the Infidels." The tele- gram would be most important, but that the correspondent does not say where he heard all that ; gives no idea of the way in which the speech was reported ; and is absolutely silent about the date. The probability is that the speech, or something like it, was spoken before the signature of the Berlin Treaty.