[to The Editor Of The " Spectator.")
have read with great interest the letters in the two last Spectators on " The Education of Girls," and it seems to me that both your correspondents make the common mistake of......
Land For Agricultural Allotments.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—My attention has been called to a suggestion made by Mr; Portal, in the Spectator of the 9th inst., that local authorities should be......
The Independence Of Girls.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin,—May I be allowed to say a few words in behalf of a suffi- ciently numerous class, the hardship of whose position in life is not quite......
Solon At Cyprus.
[TO THE EDITOR OY TILE SPECTATOR."] Sin,—During the last five months a great deal has been said and written about Cyprus, but writers and speakers alike have, as far as I am......
Letters To The Editor.
THE PARIS COMMUNE OF 1871. [TO TILE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] Srn,—I have read your very interesting reviews of M. Simon's " Gouvernement de M. Thiers," and as it is a......