23 NOVEMBER 1878, page 1

News Of The Week.

-E NGLAND is at war. Up to sunset on the 20th inst., the Ameer of Afghanistan had sent no reply to the Viceroy, and by three o'clock a.m. on the morning of the 21st the three......

On Thursday—the Day After The Commencement Of The War—the...

official manifesto of the Government in relation to it appeared, in the shape of a very lucid and ably written despatch,—but one at least as remarkable for what it keeps out, as......

The Times Of Friday Publishes A Telegram From Its Berlin

corre- spondent asserting -that General Kaufmann, Governor-General of Turkestan, has given a sword of honour to the Afghan Envoy at Tashkend, to be conveyed to the Ameer ; and......

The Government Has Broken Silence At Last. On Saturday, Lord

Lawrence addressed to the Prime Minister a request that he would receive, on or before Wednesday last, a deputation, consist- ing of men of both parties in the State, who would......

41 ,,,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript...


On Friday, The Viceroy's Proclamation Of War Was...

Lahore. Its text has not yet been transmitted to England, but ac- cording to Reuter's very poor summary, it recounts the benefits con- ferred by Great Britain on the Ameer,......