IRISH LOVE-SONG. Mourne."J WOULD I were Erin's apple-blossom o'er you, Or Erin's rose in all my beauty blown, To drop my richest petals down before you, Within the garden where......
Land For Agricultural Allotments.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—My attention has been called to a suggestion made by Mr; Portal, in the Spectator of the 9th inst., that local authorities should be......
Ciiurcii Exclusiveness.
[To THE EDITOR OF TILE "SPECTATOR: SIR,—The incidental allusion to the Conservative politics of Irish Dissenters which occurs in my former letter ought to have been qualified,......
A R T.
THE ART OF EUROPE.—I. IT is with the greatest diffidence that I offer the following re- marks on the various Schools of Painting which were repre- sented at the French......