Heroines of the Cross. By Frank Mundell. (S. S. U.)—
Mr. Mundell tells the story of some twelve devoted women who have laboured in the mission-field. The first chapter is given to Mrs. Judson, who worked with her husband in Burmah. Whether she was "the first woman imissionary," as Mr. Mundell styles her, is doubtful. Are all women workers in the Roman Church excluded ? This, and indeed all the stories, are full of interest. But it is sad to see how short these noble lives were. It must be an exceptionally strong woman who can bear and rear children and do missionary work at the same time.—From the same author and publishers we have also Heroines of Travel, in which we read about Madame Pfeiffer, Mrs. Bishop (Miss Isabella Bird), Lady Baker, and others less known. We do not find Miss Kingsley, though she is certainly entitled to rank with the first.
Mr. G. Barnett Smith tells again, in very general outline, the Story of George Washington: Patriot, Soldier, Statesman (Partridge and Co.)