In A North Country Village. By M. E. Francis. (osgood,
McIlvaine, and Co.) —" Within eight miles of one of our largest Northern manufacturing towns on the main road, between it and a fashionable watering-place, there is a certain......
Just Forty Winks. By Hamish Hendry. (blackie And Son.)— This
is a delightful and genuinely—if here and there too ambitiously—comic book. Davie Trot, confined to the (home) school-room because be has tickled Elsie during the Bible lesson,......
Heroines Of The Cross. By Frank Mundell. (s. S. U.)—
Mr. Mundell tells the story of some twelve devoted women who have laboured in the mission-field. The first chapter is given to Mrs. Judson, who worked with her husband in......
The Story Of The Extinct Civilisations Of The East. By
Robert E. Anderson. (George Newnes.)—Mr. Anderson puts together in a convenient shape much knowledge. We may doubt some of his statements, that the belief of early Aryan, for......
Mrs. Keith Hamilton, M.b. By Annie S. Swan. (hutchinson And
Co.)—" Keith Hamilton" is the married name of "Eliza- beth Glen," and the "Experiences of a Lady Doctor" are continued in the series of stories now before us. Mrs. Hamilton,......
The Thirteenth Brydain. By Margaret Moule. (jerrold And...
Of course one knows what is coining in a tale with such a title. Some disaster is to happen to the unlucky representa- tive of the thirteenth generation. Now some of the finest......
Icelandic Fairy Tales. Translated And Edited By Mrs. A. W.
Hall. (Frederick Warne and Co.)—In her preface to this interesting and handsome addition to the now large literature of Norse legends Mrs Hall admits that she has had a good......
Mona St. Claire. By Annie E. Armstrong. (frederick Warne And
Co.)—This is a bustling and readable story, first of the troubles—chiefly about dresses and small expenses—and then of the social triumphs, of a family of girls whose father,......
Angus Murray. By Helen Davis. (swan Sonnenschein And...
to which Miss Davis holds up the mirror is life in Australia. The reflection is not attractive, and we can only hope that the mirror distorts. Surely the scene in which Lynne......
England In The Days Of Old. By William Andrews. (andrews
and Co.)—Mr. Andrews has made a readable book, but he might haps made a better. We take it that his reading is not quite so wide as it should be in one who undertakes a really......