The Timid Hare.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR, — Hares have often been known to swim across a stream, but I was much struck last August by the pluck and strength of a bare not fully......
The Sugar Bounties.
[TO THE EDITOR or THE " SPFCTATOR.1 Sto,—In the Spectator of October 9th you Bay : "The one thing it is useless, if possible, to do is to tax the sugar we eat at home for......
"CHARGE, GHOORKAS !" WE come from the land of sun and hill, We, Ghoorkasi stout and brave, To die for the flag of the Ocean Queen With the Children of the Wave. Then forward......
TENNYSON.* [CONCLUDING NOTICE.] THE appearance of " Maud " in 1855 caused a temporary check in the growing reputation of Tennyson, partly, no. doubt, because it was the first......
Annals Of A Country Parish.
ITO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Canon Hammond's researches in the above subject (see Spectator of October 2nd) are confirmed by a volume issued a few years since by the......
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] SIR,—Lord Tennyson is in his Life (Vol. II., p. 14) reported to have said : "I never put two s's together in any verse of mine. My line is......
The Engineering Strike.
[TO TILL EDITOR OF TH2 " SPLCTATOR."] Sin,—May I be allowed to express a regret at the one-sided bitterness of the letter contributed by Mr. Ludlow to your -columns P Because......
"our Boys."
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SpEcrerou."] SIR,—May I disclaim the distinction assigned me by your reviewer of being an Irishman ? I am proud of my Alma Mater, the "Silent Sister" of......