23 OCTOBER 1897, page 27
Heroines Of The Cross. By Frank Mundell. (s. S. U.)—
Mr. Mundell tells the story of some twelve devoted women who have laboured in the mission-field. The first chapter is given to Mrs. Judson, who worked with her husband in......
In Praise Of Music. An Anthology Prepared By Charles Sayle.
(Elliot Stock.)—Mr. Sayle begins with various passages from the Bible, on the episode of Saul and David, passes to Confucius, and thence to Plato (Rep. 111. 399-407), a passage......
The Somerset Roll. Compiled By Arthur L. Humphreys....
Hatchard's.)—This is "an experimental list of worthies, unworthies, and villains born in the county." Mr. Humphreys contents himself, for the present at least, with the bare......