Geolon of the Mid Continent Oilfield. , . By T. 0. Bosworth.
(Macmillan. 16s. net.)—Dr. Bosworth's elaborate study of the oilfields of Kansas, Oklahoma and Northern Texas is important from a commercial as well as from a scientific stand- point, for these comparatively new fields, only worked in earnest since 1903, produce more than a fourth of the world's output. In 1918, the United States produced 356,000,000 barrels and all the rest of the world only 180,000,000 barrels ; the three States of the Middle West alone yielded 143,000,000 barrels. There is no nsnd, then, for Americans to trouble themselves about the oilfields that may be worked hereafter in Mesopo- tamia or elsewhere, for, beside the oilfields of the United States and Mexico, all other deposits now known and worked are relatively trifling. Dr. Bosworth says that the oil-wells in the Mid Continent are moderate producers and have but a short life. New wells have to be drilled in thousands every year. Yet the oil-bearin‘7, area still untouched is so great that the total output is likely, it seems, to be maintained for a long time to come.