Mr. Brace, One Of The South Wales Miner's' Leaders, Began
his speech by saying that the demand for 2e. a day had boon given undue importance. Yet he defended the minis for refusing to refer this " trifling incident " to a tribunal,......
News Of The Week.
T HE miners' strike, long threatened, has now begun, and is doing as much harm to the community as its promoters anticipated. Thousands of workmen in the steel trades have been......
When The House Of Commons Reassembled On Tuesday After The
recess, Sir Robert Home made a statement regarding the coal strike. The miners had, he said, already received an increase of wages more than sufficient to meet the increase ill......
The Miners' Federation Decided On Thursday Week To Declare A
strike, from last Monday, for an advance in wages of 2s. a day, silently abandoning the claim for a reduction of the price by 148. 2d. a ton which was part of the " indivisible......
The Prime Minister On Saturday Issued An Appeal To The
nation to resist the attack of the miners who, having refused arbitration or higher wages in return for higher output, were attempting to gain their ends by force. All citizens......
Mr. Hodges, The Secretary Of The Miners' Federation And The
real leader of the extremists who are in temporary control of its councils, stated on Saturday that the miners had " spared no effort to explore every avenue that might have led......
To Our Readers.
Should our readers experience any difficulty in obtaining the SPECTATOR during their absence from home at Newsagents or Railway Bookstalls, will they please communicate at once......
Owing to the Government having taken over our old premises, we have removed to new offices, 13 York Street, Covent Cfarden, W.C. 2. where all communications should be addressed.......
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