Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in Mir column don not ft. - warily prelude subsegurn1 perinea THE QUARTERLIES: In the Edinburgh _Review Sir Valentine Chirol writes on "The End of the Ottoman Empire,"......
The Hakluyt Society Has Printed For Its Members The First
volume of The Chronicle of Muntaner, now first translated into English from the Catalan by Lady Goodenough, with a good historical introduction. Muntaner was born in Catalonia......
We Welcome The Third Series Of The Little Books Which
Mr. Clement Rogers calls Question Time in Hyde Park.. Mr. Rogers is Professor of Pastoral Theology at King's College, University of London, and anyone who has listened to the......
The Modern Rewler's Bible For Schools : The Near Testament
By Richert G. Moulton. (Macmillan. 12s. 'nota—Professor Moulton has induced many people to read the Bible, by the simple expedient of printing it as if it were a modem book. We......
Poets And Poetry.
TWO VOLUMES OF VERSE. * Spring in New Hampshire' is extrinsically as well as intrinsic- ally interesting. It is, as the portrait frontispiece and Mr. Richards' preface tell us,......
Poems Worthy Of Ponsideration.—poems. By 0. A. Malloch....
8d.)—Here are poems that in exterior and choice of subject--London, Sabo, cafés and roses—seem to indicate the influence of Arthur Symons, but the likeness does net go deeper.......