The Horror, On The Rhine.
LTo THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR.—A. correspondent in your issue of October 2nd seems in- dined to give credence to Mr. E. D. Morel's charges aguinst the French native......
Blinded Soldiers' And Sailors' Hostel. [to The Editor Or The
" SPECTATOR."] Ste,—I have just received the gratifying intimation that the ex-Servicemen of Yeadon, near Leeds, have decided to devote the bonus of 5s. a head granted to them......
Italy And Austria.
[To ewe Enema or THE " SPECTATOR."] Ste,—The following piece of news contained in a recent number of Fede e Vita, the organ of the Italian Students' Christian Movement, throws a......
Poet Rt.
NOUS NIRONS PLUS AU BOIS. BETTER stay at home Now the evening's come. A little breeze blows chill Westward, across the hill . The pale young moon is shy And hidden. Dear one,......
The "spectator" At The Outposts Of Church And Empire. [to
Toe Emroa or sea " SpErraxos."] Swi, — You will, I am cure, be glad to know that through your kind insertion of Mr. Coles's letter in your issue of October 9th I have already......
" Opal Whiteley's Diary."
[To THE EDITOR OF nos "SPECTATOR."' Sta,—I have been reading the review of Opal W hiteley's Diary in your issue of October 16th. The rhythm and sound of the sentences in the......
Notice.—when " Correspondence" Or Articles Are Signet...
name or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to bein agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode......
TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Including postage to any part of the Yearly. United Kingdom £2 3 4 OVERSEAS PORTAGE. Including postage to any of the British Dominions and Colonies and......