23 OCTOBER 1936, Page 20


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—One point from Mr. W. H. Worsnop's last letter on this subject seems to require the counterpoise of a different report. I refer to point (c), saying inter alio that the more drink the managers sell the better the Board is pleased. Last July I stopped for a lunchtime pint at one of the Taverns near Carlisle. In conversation the manager told me that it made no difference to him whether he sold one pint or fifty per day : there was no incentive whatsoever for him to push the sale of drink nor any comments by the inspectors upon a drop in sales. He said State management was effective in stopping " back-door " trade, since a manager had nothing to gain by selling a pint in illegal hours and his livelihood to lose if found out.

This further point may have been raised in previous corre- spondence, but isn't it worth something to have bars in which drink advertisements (incidentally characterised by their extreme dullness) are absent ?—Yours faithfully,

6 Station Road, East Horsley, Surrey. Jaen WOOLFORD.