23 OCTOBER 1936, page 19

[to The Editor Of The Spectator] Sin,—there Are Some Points

in the letter signed W. A. Powell, Captain, in last week's Spectator, which are not quite clear. The writer speaks of the "Christ of the Gospels," who was always most courteous......

[to The Editor Of Tiie Spectator.] Sir,—after The...

Dr. Inge and Mr. John Strachey it would be interesting to hear further discussion on the value of labour. Neither writer appears to take account of any other basis for the......

[to The -editor Of Tile Spectator.] Sir,—mr. Strachey's...

your last week's issue gives at least a simple definition of - Communism which is illuminating. State ownership of all means of production (and presumably, of distribution), and......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sxn,—captain Powell's...

Dr. Barker's article on Communism seem to confuse the issues. We shall get no further if the protagonists on one side or the other continue to argue for this or that philosophy......