23 OCTOBER 1936, page 30
Tudors And Stuarts
The Scotland of Queen Mary and the Religious Wars, 1513- 1638. By Agnes Mure Mackenzie. (Maclehose. 12s. 6d.) BOTH these books are examples of the . tendency which has much......
Vincent. A Life Of Vincent Van Gogh. By Julius Meier-graefe,
Van. Gogh . Trans. by J. Holroyd-Reece.(Michael Joseph. 7s. 6d.) Letters to an ArtiSt. From Vincent van - Gogh to Anton Ilidcler . van RapPeird. Trims: by Rein van Messel.......
The Aeolian Harp
Revaluations. By F. R. Leavis. (Chatto and Windus. 7s. 6d.) De gustibus non est disputandum ; there's no accounting for hobby-horses : 'but the form criticism takes today is......