New Guinea Gold
By Edmond Demaitre We have recently had several accounts of New Guinea and Papua by Govern- ment officers engaged in the difficult job of exploration and pacification. Now for a......
Mr. Healy Roughed It Because He Had To. He Is
annoyed by 'the invariably - dishonest pretence that one is tolerating the inconveniences and indignities of second and third class because one meets nicer people in the......
The Anatomy Of Frustration By H. G. Wells This Book
(Cresset Press, 7s. 6d.) appeared not long since in serial form in the columns of The Spectator. To define its position in the body of Mr. Wells's work, one might describe it as......
Tibetan Journey By Mme. Alexandra David-neel Tibetan...
6d.) is a puzzling book. It begins as abruptly as It ends, and neither dates nor motives are supplied to differentiate the mate- rial it contains from that already chronicled......
In The Shadow Of Tomorrow Current Literature
By J. Huizuiga In the Shadow of Tomorrow (Heine- mann, 7s. 6d.) is an essay on our present discontents by a great his- torian, the author of the famous Das Herbst des......