Lord Nuffield's Munificence It would be difficult to write with
exaggerated praise of Lord Nuffield's gift of £1,250,000 to the University of Oxford, to promote post-graduate training and research in medical science. Oxford, as a City and as a University, has had no benefactor who has given more wisely or more generously ; and Lord Nuffield has this week added further gifts to the Oxford Hospitals with which he is so closely associated. The scheme of medical studies which Lord Nuffield has in mind will involve a large development of the Medical School and of the Institute of Medical Research already founded by him, and a close co-Operation with the hospitals ; not only the University but the City of Oxford will gain, as indeed will the nation itself for Lord Nuffield has shown himself singularly aware of the needs of his time when he decided to devote his gift to research. In a less striking way he also showed himself aware of the real needs of the University when he gave a further 1100,000 to the fund towards the University's finances for which an appeal is to be made. He could have no better reward for his generosity than the increase in knowledge which his gifts have made possible ; and Oxford at least is capable of giving him that. Hard on the announcement of these benefactions comes rather strangely news of a sharp difference of view between Lord Nuffield and the Air Ministry on aeroplane con- tracts. Lord Nuffield's side of the case has yet to be stated. He is not the man to take drastic steps without reason.