SEVEN By Rom Landau
Seven (Nicholson and Watson, 10s. 6d.) is the autobiography of the author of God Is My Adventure. He traces the outward events of his life in order to show their spiritual sig- nificance, and so justify his religious beliefs. These were evolved from experi- ence and from the study of many religious and occult doctrines, and from his discovery of what he calls "the law of seven." Rom Landau was born in Poland in 1899, saw the revolution, worked as a sculptor and art critic in Germany, travelled in Italy and Tunis, went round the world, and finally settled in Sussex, finding the English the most truly civilised people he had met. Realising that his life fell into seven-year periods, he investigated with great thoroughness the mathematical basis of the universe, and sets out his evidence and conclusions in a long and
extremely interesting chapter. He finally comes to the conclusion that Christianity — non-institutional — em- braces all the practical and occult truths necessary for a full spiritual life. For its candour and originality Mr. Landau's book deserves reading.