"The Spectator" Crossword No. 213
EA prize of one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked "Crossword Puzzle," and should be received not later than fired post on Tuesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. The name of the winner will be published in our next issue. Envelopes containing solutiontt must bear a three-halfpenny stamp, otherwise they are surcharged on delivery.] MUSICAL ACROSS This Russian composer thought Brahma dull ; Wagner ho never really - understood.
10, "Cure it breath with your mouth, and it will dis- course most . . . music."
13. rec. It takes three to render this composition.
15. This puts a damper on piano-playing 1 18. rev. Apollo is this of music.
19. A 28 of the octave. - 20. The kind of day for hymns ?
21. rev. As this is needed to compose bands of carol- , singers. 22. rev. The leader of a body of musicians is gone.
23. French composer who based an opera on a Maeterlinck play. 25. " . . . , he sung, is toil and trouble ; Honour, but an empty bubble."
26. Impatient Interjection? 29. "1 will . .. you an 'twere any nightingale."
31. rev. Tempo with me.
32. rev. Nothing will make this a composition for two.
33. "We join ourselves to no party that does not carry the flag and keep step to the music of the. . .
34 rev; It's just as well to see that your instrument is this before you play !
35. What gives a musician r Tose ?
36. The stigma which music employs !
40. rev. It would be odd to see a pianist literally play by means of this !
41. "How silver-sweat sound lovers' tongues by night, Like softest music to . . . ears ! "
42. A coda is at the this of a movement. . 1. DOWN L Range within which most tones of a voice-part fall. 2. This musician blows his own horn !
3, In music, the R.A.34., I suppose?
4. My first is unchecked in 16, my second in 14.
5. Be acquainted with.
6. rev. Without a tremolo.
7. Part of an orchestra that reminds ono of zephyrs in the forest ?
8. Composers must use this signed name to begin their compositions 9. In the Kyrie.
11. F.
12. Vowels.
14. rev. No doubt an orchestra would be utterly ex- hausted if a conductor's ghost gave them this to follow !
16. rev. " . . me discourse, I will enchant thine ear."
17. rev. Necessary preparation before a violinist takes his bow !
18. My first is unchecked in 7, my second and third in 1 across.
19. rev. This certainly isn't accidental in music ! 21. These give a musician ner- vous shocks !
24. "The still, . . . music of humanity."
27. rev. Musically held in France.
28. Part of the piano which attains eminence ? 30. See 19 across.
37. German song about 4.
38. 12.
39. A rapid scale passage about you. •