Here are Lord Derby's word'', words which we desire to
endorse in the spirit and in the letter i- " Alluding to utterance. of Mr. Asquith's at Newcastle and Mr. Lloyd George'. in the Donee of Commons, Lord Derby said:
• Thongh I admire the ability of both these gentlemen, I almost wish they bad taken a different line and had been not quite so optimistic us they were. Mr. Asquith's speech gave one the im- pression that so far as munitions of war were concerned all was well. I say emphatically that all is not well, and the best com- mentary on the Prime Minister's speech is that when he visited the Elawick works of Messrs. Armstrong, Whitworth, and Com- pany next day it is reported that he went through the shops fitted with machinery ready to turn out munitions of war, but that those shops were standing idle because there wero not men avail- able in sufficient numbers to work there "