The Need Of A. Rest Day.
[To T. EDITOR or 71/IN Srxcnroa..] SIR,—Sir John French's latest despatch contains an appeal for continued supply of ammunition that goes to the heart; it must be responded to......
Its 77M Emma or FM "t3recrrroo.n Stn,—With regard to your recent advocacy of the cessation of racing, may I say that this question may safely be left to the discretion of the......
National Concentration.
iTo eel Soros or TIRO "araor•ros."] Sin,—In a letter which appeared in your issue of the 17th inet. the Bishop of London forcibly supported your plea for national concentration,......
The Need Of The Hour
[To Two Emma or row uSrxer.eroo.*1 Sax.—While fully recognizing the advantage of doing away with excessive drinking at all times, and the absolute necessity of doing so now,......
Racing During The War.
To ran Bono, or vox “Banemaroo." SIB,—As a Canadian reader of your paper, may I be allowed to enter a protest against racing in England during the war ? It seems to me the......