To ran Bono, or vox “Banemaroo."
SIB,—As a Canadian reader of your paper, may I be allowed to enter a protest against racing in England during the war ? It seems to me the Jockey Club in deciding in favour of racing have given a bad example to the other sporting institutions, in particular to the footballers, who have had bard things said about them for not cancelling their fixtures. Other sporting clubs composed of rich and arieto- °ratio members, such as compete at Henley, and inter-col- legiate sports have given the democratic clubs a good example, and it seems a pity when so much is expected of the upper classes in the way of patriotism that the most aristocratic and wealthy sporting club should fall short of what is expected of Englishmen—i.e., not to divert energies to games when the country's welfare is at stake. My letter may carry perhaps a little more weight if I add I am a horseman myself, and, in spite of being a poor man, have contrived to obtain some hunting by amateur rough-riding and schooling, and have also been a steeplechase rider, as well as having shown many horses over jumps in the show rings; so it is needless to add I am an admirer of the thoroughbred and recognize the value of racing for the improvement of horses. Never- theless, I believe during war time it could be dropped advan- tageously to the British Empire—I am, Sir, &o.,