The Pope And The War,,
[To IBA Emma at WS ..erecrArna."] Smi,—If your correspondent Mr. F. J. Jones wishes to find the explanation of his perplexity, I would recommend him to read shape. xi. and xii.......
The Need Of A. Rest Day.
[To T. EDITOR or 71/IN Srxcnroa..] SIR,—Sir John French's latest despatch contains an appeal for continued supply of ammunition that goes to the heart; it must be responded to......
Prince Bismarck And The Press.
[To nut Enna 01 nu .. 8rsorkroo...] Sra,—In reply to Mr. Ellis Barker's letter in answer to mine, I have first to Bay that his letter does not carry the question of the real......
[to Rm. Enna Or Nu .. Nrworkr02..1 Sxa,—might I Humbly Point
out to Mr. F. J. Jones, and still more humbly to yourself, that all the moral questions involved in the present war have been adjudged ages ago by the Catholic Church P It may......
[to We Enrol Or M "sesevirosn Bra,—in Your " Leader
" upon this topic in the Spectator of April 17th you express the opinion that the Pope's claim to infallibility has been shaken because there has been no decision en cathedra......