The Deputy-lie Utenangy. (to Sus Emma Or See...
were good enough to publish a letter from me on the above subject in your issue of March 27th. and perhaps you would kindly allow me a further short space. I was glad to notice......
Native Races And The Great War.
[To 276 Seems Or 271 ••errevsroa."1 Srn,—The loyal attitude of native races daring the present great war is widely recognized as smatter for national thankfulness. Sir Harry......
Mixed Metaphor.
fma Tan gorroa oewe -firm- moan Ent,—Mr. Towyn Jones, M-P. for East Garmarthenshire, discussed the Welsh Church Postponement Bill at Car- marthen on April 10th thus : "The......
The Central Association Of Volunteer Training Corps.
PRESIDENT LORD DESBOROUGH. HON. SZCRETART PERCY A. HARRIS, Esq. HEAD OFFICES: Judges' Quadrangle, Royal Courts of Justice (Carey Street entrance). The aims and objects of this......
A Grave In Burma.
(To MB arm. or 71sa ..17.102lT014.1 StE,—Ryonkmyoung is a small village on the right bank of the Irrawaddy River, some seventy miles north of Mandalay. In this village is the......
Press Contributors Emergency Fund. (to Taa Enrroa Or Ins V
erscrxrean Sut,—The Committee of the Press Contributors Emergency Fund will be greatly obliged if you will kindly publish the enclosed appeal and give it any assistance in your......
The "spectator" Home Guards Fund. Suissentrrtons For This...
be Rent to the Spectator Office, or direct to Messrs. Barclay and Co., Goslings' Branch, 19 Fleet Street, London, E.C. Cheques should be made payable to the " Spectator Home......
C*.* Errata.—in The Signatures To The Letter In Our Last
issue on the subject of Girls for Farm Work, the Hon. Venetia Baring should have been given as the Hon. Treasurer of the Boys' Country Work Society, and not Lady Wantawa, who is......
Eotice.—when "correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed...
or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......