24 APRIL 1915, Page 16


erscrxrean Sut,—The Committee of the Press Contributors Emergency Fund will be greatly obliged if you will kindly publish the enclosed appeal and give it any assistance in your power.--, Chairman of Executive Committer,

Parliament Chambers, 14 Great Smith Street, Westminster, S.W.

"This Committee was formed at the beginning of the war to supplement the work of the existing Press organisations, by deal- ing with the serious distress which threatened a large number of writers, both men and women, who, though not regularly attached to the staffs of newspapers', yet earned their livelihood, or a con- siderable part of it, by contributing articles to the Press. It was evident that the absorption of public interest in the war would deprive this class of writers of the opportunities that are open to them in normal times, and that, unless help were forthcoming, many of them would be in danger of destitution. This expectation has unhappily been more than fulfilled during the last five months, and the Committee now finds itself called upon to deal with many scores of deserving cases for which no other agency exists. Some have been helped by the finding of suitable work, some by grants or loans of money to tide over a crisis, ethers by hospitality. Strict confidence has been preserved and helpful and sympathetic relations have been established. The Committee has hitherto relied upon private donations, and its experience shows that a comparatively small sum of money may be of the greatest possible service if carefully expended. But the need has grown to the point at which a wider appeal for assistance becomes necessary, and the Committee is confident that it has only to make the facts known to receive the support which is necessary to carry on this work. The writers in question have a claim upon the public which has profited by their work, as well as upon the members of the literary profession, and both may reason- ably be asked to help in this emergency. While the present exceptional circumstances of the Press have for the moment cut off the livelihood of a large body of people, they have brought considerable prosperity to some writers, and our appeal for assistance is specially made to all those who hold secure positions on the Press or are now doing remunerative work, that they may come to the help of their less fortunate fellows. A sum of at least .11.500 is needed to continue the work on the present scale. Donations may be sent to the Secretary, Press Contributors Emergency Fund, Parliament Chambers, 14 Great Smith Street, Westminster, S.W.

The following have been selected from many sad cases which have been brought to our notice, and in each case adequate relief

has been given. At present there is no diminution in the number of applications.

(1) Tounematcr. Well-known war correspondent, but through less of lung cannot go to the front and has lost all journalistic work owing to the war. Married, three children. Utterly penni- less and became too ill to work much. Speaks several languages.

(2) Joreseamer. Assistant editor of London paper which sus- pended publication at outbreak of war. Wife and five children to support. Dependent on work—utterly destitute and starving when application was made. (3) Jboaxer.ter. Married, two children. Entirely dependent On profession. Was making ..esoo per annum for eighteen years from own newspaper, which closed down at outbreak of war. Quito penniless on application and has since been seriously ill, ao cannot work in any way.

(4) Laos Joueriamer. Boa written for several well-known London papers and magazines, but cannot place articles owing to war. Quite destitute and in great want. Practically starving when application was made.

(5) Joeseaserr. Made fair living on Press and was writing book—all ceased at war. No relatives. Was found in great distress:.