(To TOO EOM/ Or TEO °EMT...70101 Stn,—However anxious a recruit may be to follow the King's example of abstinence, it is in practice almost impossible for him as matters are arranged. A relative of mine who has joined as a private and is in camp in a country district in England informs me: (1) The tea and coffee are so badly made and so much overeweetened that either is a most unpalatable drink, only to be swallowed because of tbo saving virtue of being hot. (2) On route marches the stoppages for rest are always made at public-houses, and beer on draught is the only fluid that can be obtained in a hurry by two hundred and fifty thirsty men. I write this letter not necessarily for publication, but to draw your attention to this aspect of the case, and to ask you to use your influence to have abstinence made easier. The practical arrangements seem to be in the bands of the Sergeant-Majors, who, excellent as they may be in many ways. have still the ideas on tea and temperance of twenty years ago.