in the House of Commons on Thursday night Mr. Tennant,
in the course of the debate on the Army Estimates, made the following statement in regard to recruiting:— in the House of Commons on Thursday night Mr. Tennant, in the course of the debate on the Army Estimates, made the following statement in regard to recruiting:— "The Secretary of State for War has authorized me to tell the Rouse that the results of recruiting during the last few months have been most satisfactory and gratifying. The numbers week by week and mouth by month are very good, and they are main- tained with surprising regularity. My noble friend &aims me to add that when he calls for more men he feels confident that the nation will respond with that readiness and promptneas which we have learned to look for and by which we are able to gauge and estimate the determination of our people. By the indiridnal efforts of patriotic men, a hundred thousand men have been raised for aervice in special battalions. We owe an enormous debt of gratitude to these patriotic men."