Though the followers of Zarathushtra could once be counted by
millions, they are now reduced to a small community of about a hundred thousand souls, and, since they have deliberately refused to permit converts to join them, their numbers seem likely to diminish still further. Dr. Maneckji Nusservanji Dhalla is High Priest of the Persia of North- Weatern India, and is thus peculiarly fitted to write upon Zoroastrian Theology (Luzac and Co., 10s. net), for he com- bines a knowledge of the researches of modern scholars with the sympathy actually felt by a believer. Dr. Dhalla traces the history of Zoroastrianism from primitive times, and sets out very clearly the various theological beliefs held by its followers at the succeeding stages of its development. The narrative is brought down to modern days, and concludes with a short discussion of the contemporary position of the Parsis.