24 APRIL 1926, Page 29



Sunday, April 25th, 3.30 p.m. Mx POLICY FOR THE LAND. By Mr. Lloyd George. Under thil,liniapices Of the " Five Quarters." At the Guildhouse, Eceleston Square, S.W. 1'.

Monday, April 26th, 4.0 p.m. How To KEEP Frr. By Sir Bruce Bruce-Porter. Under the auspices of the Parents' Association,, for boys of Public School age. At Carnegie House, 117 Piccadilly.- Tickets, Is., may be obtained from Miss J. M. Harvey, 56 Manchester. Street, W. I. - Tuesday, April 27th, 8.30 p.m. Mr. George Burney, the leader' of the Oxford University Arctic Expedition, will show his film, WITH SEAPLANE AND SLEDGE IN THE Aacric, at the New Scala' Theatre, in aid of the Ladies' Committee of the West London. Hospital. Tickets may be obtained at the box-Ofgee Of. the Theatre.

Wednesdiiy, April 28th. 5.30 p.m. THE PROBLEM OF REDUCTION AND LIMITATION OF ARMAMENTS : GENERAL PRINCIPLES. By Mr., P. J. Noel Baker. The first of a course of five lectures on " Practical Problems of Disarmament." At the London School of Economics, and Political Science, Houghtion Street, Aldvakch, W.C. 2.

Friday, April 30th, 5.30 p.m. THE NATURE AND FUNCTIONS Op THE FASCIAE OF THE H oxen BODY. By Professor J. Kay Jamieson.; The first of a course of three public lectures on Fridays at 5.30 pan. At King's College, Strand,