24 APRIL 1926, page 29

Books Recommended

MISCELLANEOLTS :-The Drama in Adult Education.. (His Majesty's Stationery Office. - 1.s.) Foundations of the Universe. By M. Luckiesh. (Chapman and Hall. 15s.)=C hemistry in......

Finance Public And Private

THE BUDGET BY ARTHUR W. KIDDY. THE days seem to have passed when Budget secrets were scrupulously preserved. Speculations as to its character have, of course, always been rife,......

The Recreations Of London

LECTURES. Sunday, April 25th, 3.30 p.m. Mx POLICY FOR THE LAND. By Mr. Lloyd George. Under thil , liniapices Of the " Five Quarters." At the Guildhouse, Eceleston Square, S.W.......