24 APRIL 1926, page 30

Royal Exchange Assurance.

The completion , of the Quinquennial Valuation period in: . the Life Department of the Royal Exchange As - alliance Cdiii- pany has resulted in the announcement of a combined......

Banking In Japan.

At the time"-of the announcement iouncement Of the'dividend by the - Vokohamapecie Bank, it was evident that profits had expanded, and this is' now shOWn to be the case by the......

Financial . Notes

QUIETLY CHEERFUL MARKETS. Tits: fortnightly settlement has revealed, as was expected, at sound position, and the response of prices, especially of- high-class Investment.......

Store Prosperity.

Only last week I referred to the prosperity which is being_ experienced just now by most of. London's big Stores, and the Annual Report of the Army , and Navy Co - operative......

Dunlop Recovery.

After passing through a period of some severe vicissitudes, it looks as though the Dunlop Company, thanks to the drastic reorganization scheme and present sound management, is......

Satisfactory Insurance Dividends.

The sound and conservative management of the Liverpool : and London & Globe Insurance Company is now bearing fruit in increased profits, the Directors having just been able to......

Finance Public And Private

THE BUDGET BY ARTHUR W. KIDDY. THE days seem to have passed when Budget secrets were scrupulously preserved. Speculations as to its character have, of course, always been rife,......

Vickers Recovery.

The hopefulness expressed some few months_ ago by the ' Directors of Vickers Limited on the occasion of -the formation of the Capital Reconstruction plan—a hopefulness, it will......