QUIETLY CHEERFUL MARKETS. Tits: fortnightly settlement has revealed, as was expected, at sound position, and the response of prices, especially of- high-class Investment. Stocks, on Monday to the more cheerful: feeling with regard to the coal outlook showed that markets are sensitive to anything in the shape Of faVotirableinfluences.• Nevertheless it must not be supposed that if anything in the- nature of a coal strike were to occur the effect for a time, at' alt--events, might not be very considerable. Putting aside' altogether the question of a general strike, a stoppage in 'the: opal mines ;would spell disaster_ to .many other industries in the country and the interruption to our trade would be quickly, reflected in the course of the American Exchange, which in its turn might affect monetary conditions. On the other hand, it is, of course, conceivable that the very lack of con- fidence .might drive investors into gilt-edged securities, thus Counteracting • to some extent other adverse influences.: * * * *.