24 APRIL 1926, page 9


Lord Byng's term of office as Governor-General of Canada soon comes to an end. Among those mentioned . as possible successors are Lord Cavan, formerly Chief of the Staff, Lord......

Brighter - Football

.A HUNDRED thousand people tried to get in to see a certain football match the other week. Only half the number could be squeezed in and the half that was suc- cessful strewed......

There Was A Sensible Letter From An Irishman In The

Daily Mail recently a propos of the employment of a number Of Irishmen on electrical work in North Wales to which the TreaSury has made a grant of £1,000,000. When the matter......

After A Period Of Post-war Depression Neivfoundland Seems...

entering upon good times. The Government has abolished the relief grant, and during the past four months only £85 have been spent on relief for the able- bodied poor in the......